Adrian Moore, Ph.D., is vice president of policy at Reason Foundation.
The COVID-19 Status App: A Risk-Based Tool to Enable Businesses to Reopen While Limiting the Spread of Sars-Cov-2
Part four of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of these tools is to enhance trust and improve information sharing.
Risk-Based Tools to Limit the Spread of Coronavirus: Information on Activity Risks and Industry Standards
Part three of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The decisions to implement these actions must be voluntary.
COVID-19 Lockdown Problems and Alternative Strategies to Safely Reopening the Economy
Part one of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. More data-driven approaches based on test and trace are desirable.
Strategies for Combating and Recovering From the Coronavirus Pandemic
We identified approaches addressed in a series of policy briefs that, if taken together, form a coherent and effective strategy to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Working Paper: An Evidence-Based Approach to Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic
"A realistic plan for unlocking society must be found. Urgently. This brief seeks to offer elements of what such a plan might look like, based on evidence from actions taken in many jurisdictions."
A Common Sense Approach to Marijuana-Impaired Driving
Identifying policies that protect public safety without penalizing legal marijuana users who are sober at the time they drive.
Cannabis Legalization and Juvenile Access
Decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing medical cannabis did not increase juvenile use.
The Changing Workplace And The New Self-Employed Economy
The gig, or sharing, economy was spurred by market demand and technological evolution, so free market solutions are uniquely positioned to address its challenges.
Urban Containment: The Social and Economic Consequences of Limiting Housing and Travel Options
Evaluating key research on urban containment's cost-effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas emission and impact on housing affordability