Jacob James Rich is a policy analyst at Reason Foundation.
His work primarily focuses on health care policy, specializing in prescription and illegal drug regulations.
Rich holds master’s degrees in mathematics and economics from Eastern Michigan University.
Prior to joining Reason, he conducted research for the Cato Institute focused on economics and opioid policy.
Florida Needs a New Approach to the Opioid Problem
Lawsuit scapegoating doctors, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies is neither accurate nor sensible.
Examining CDC’s State-by-State Data on Drug and Opioid Overdose Deaths
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports there were 70,237 total drug overdose deaths and 47,600 opioid overdose deaths in 2017.
Will Drug Cartels Miss Jeff Sessions?
The last thing cartels want is less drug enforcement.
The Opioid Fix That Wasn’t
If the Trump administration wants to make meaningful change, there are plenty of actions it can take that don’t waste taxpayer resources.
9/11, the Culture of Fear, and the Security Theater at U.S. Airports
The airport security provided by TSA is far more symbolic than it is functional.