Policy Briefs
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Vital PPE: How To Increase Production and Distribution of Masks to Fight COVID-19
Part six of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The important role PPE has in containing the coronavirus and returning to pre-COVID-19 economic activities.
Solving Florida’s Blue-Green Algae Bloom Crisis
Algal blooms and their associated health risks have the potential to hurt large segments of Florida’s economy and public well-being.
COVID-19 And Soaring Costs Are New Challenges for Texas High-Speed Rail Line
If Texas Central chooses to move ahead with this high-speed rail project, lawmakers and taxpayers should ensure it does not receive stimulus funding.
Monitor-Test-Trace-Isolate: Policies for Understanding and Reacting to COVID-19 Infections
Part five of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Technologies that enable contact tracing and sharing of verified COVID-19 status while preserving privacy and autonomy.
The COVID-19 Status App: A Risk-Based Tool to Enable Businesses to Reopen While Limiting the Spread of Sars-Cov-2
Part four of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of these tools is to enhance trust and improve information sharing.
Risk-Based Tools to Limit the Spread of Coronavirus: Information on Activity Risks and Industry Standards
Part three of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The decisions to implement these actions must be voluntary.
Preventing, Containing and Mitigating COVID-19: Lessons From Around the World
Part two of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. Success almost everywhere started with the use of extensive strategic testing.
COVID-19 Lockdown Problems and Alternative Strategies to Safely Reopening the Economy
Part one of a series discussing strategies for combating and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. More data-driven approaches based on test and trace are desirable.
Strategies for Combating and Recovering From the Coronavirus Pandemic
We identified approaches addressed in a series of policy briefs that, if taken together, form a coherent and effective strategy to combat the coronavirus pandemic.