What Kratom and delta-8 THC illustrate about substance regulation and criminalization
Substances like delta-8 and kratom are new entrants into what has become an “underground” market for “legal” buzzes and highs.
Fuel tax rebates for newly tolled Interstates: A quantitative assessment
The purpose of this policy study is to assess the feasibility of providing fuel tax rebates for miles driven on reconstructed Interstates financed by toll revenues.
Vanpools: The forgotten mode of mass transit
Vanpools are a high-quality, low-cost mass transit option.
A primer on carbon taxes
Examining claims that replacing existing regulations, subsidies, and tax expenditures with a carbon tax would more cost-effectively achieve emissions-reductions goals.
Evidence-based policies to slow climate change
Top-down policy approaches to control emissions may not be as effective as bottom-up approaches that harness the natural tendency of entrepreneurs and innovators.
Examining excess deaths, years of lives lost, and other health consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic
"The non-COVID death toll that has accompanied the pandemic is large, well into six digits."
Federal law unconstitutionally prohibits medical marijuana users from possessing firearms
To prevent violations of the Second and Fifth Amendments, Congress should amend the Gun Control Act of 1968 to permit an exception for legal medical marijuana use.
Pathways and policy for 21st-century freight rail
The successful development and deployment of automation technologies in the future is key to ensuring freight rail’s ongoing success.
Frequently asked questions about long-term airport leases
Why would taxpayers and passengers support the long-term lease of an airport?