Lynne Kiesling
Lynne Kiesling is Director of Economic Policy at Reason Public Policy Institute. She is also Visiting Associate Professor of Economics at Northwestern University. Her previous positions include Assistant Professor of Economics at the College of William and Mary, and Manager in the Transfer Pricing Economics group at PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP. She has a Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University, and has published extensively in academic journals.
AT&T and BellSouth: Not the Old Ma Bell
Competition protects consumers better than regulation
Give Consumers Choice on Utilities
Schwarzenegger has opportunity to empower consumers
Analyzing the Blackout Report’s Recommendations
Alternatives for a flexible, dynamic grid
California’s Dueling Electricity Bills
Customer choice is needed
Electricity Consumers Prove Their Smarts
Customers respond to price changes, choice
Socket to California
Electricity plan for Gov. Schwarzenegger
A Federal Ethanol Mandate
Is it Worth it?
Movin’ Juice
Making Electricity Transmission More Competitive
Demand, Not Supply
Don't follow California in wake of blackout